Simple Pricing.

Free 14 day trial. No credit card required.

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Paid yearly or £7.00 paid monthly

Get started



Paid yearly or £12.00 paid monthly

Get started
  • 12 customisable designs
  • Full page designer
  • Live chat & email support
  • Client proofing
  • Use your own domain
  • Print sales
  • 18 customisable designs
  • Full page designer
  • Live chat & email support
  • Client proofing
  • Free .com domain
  • Print sales

Trial Period

Pixelrights offers a 14 day trial period option on setup of your account. After your 14 day trial has expired any content you have hosted with us maybe be deleted at our discretion and without notice. With the exception of the ‘Subscription and Payment’ section, all other provisions of these terms and conditions shall apply to your use of the Website and Services during such trial period.

Cancelling your account

You have the right to cancel your account with Pixelrights at any time without notice. Simply email our team at Fees paid in advance will not be refunded, unless a payment has already been processed before we were able to cancel your account.


Please contact us at if you have any questions about these terms and conditions

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